Give me a Visual

In communication, there are different types of methods to convey a message. Those methods can be visual, verbal, audio, and written.

Visual communication is an effective way to quickly communicate a message. Visual communication relies on images, and colors to send a message to the consumer. It is easier for people to respond to visual communication because they are quick, and easier to comprehend. Visual communication relies on messages being absorbed on a subconscious level so people remember them.

For visual communication to be effective there needs to be to necessary tools that are being used. Some visual communication tools may work better than others. An example is placing images of entrees on a restaurant menu. That is effective because the images show what the meal actually is instead of just a description. This is common in Asian cuisine since in the United States may not be familiar with foreign foods. Another helpful tool are symbols.

An example of how effective symbols are is the arrow symbol in the FedEx logo. The arrow is between the “E” and the “x.” This is an effective symbol because the arrow means something is moving forward. That is a good symbol for a shipping company since packages are moving forward to the consumer. This is effective because FedEx is supposedly a fast shipping company and arrows can go fast in the air.

Three companies that have strong visual communication are Tostitos, Apple, and McDonalds. If you look closely at the Tostitos logo it is two people sharing chips and salsa in the word Tostitos. The “ti’s are the people, and the “i” is the chip and salsa. This is a small component of the logo that adds a lot to the overall brand.  
Apple’s theory when it comes to visual communication is to keep it as a simple as possible. On their website, Apple uses the colors black, silver, and white. This makes the website look very sleek, which correlates with their products. Although their concept is very simple that is what makes it very effective. When people are considering Apple products the main selling factor is the simplicity and sleekness of the design. It is always a good idea for the visual communication of a brand to match the idea of the products.

McDonald’s is an iconic company because of their logo. The yellow “M” is known by consumers as the “Golden Aches.” When you apply a name like that to a brands logo it becomes memorable. Consumers can always see the arches at every block and know it is a McDonald’s before actually seeing the restaurant. The colors are effective as well because it is known red and yellow are colors you associate with greasy foods. Those two factors are why McDonald’s is such a memorable and popular brand.  
We are exposed to visual communication nearly every second of our lives. It is important to know how these brands are using things such as symbols to make people react as consumers.




